Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nearly dry lakebed shoot

For  the last few weeks I've tried to make my schedule work to go on a shoot with my Dom and O/our mutual friend Kam. The whole plan for the shoot involved driving way south of town to the setting which was a dry lake bed. Totally forgetting about the strange weather this summer W/we figured it would be dry as a bone only to find it wet and muddy. Not the entire lakebed but out in the middle there was a big stretch of water inhabited by these strange crane-looking birds. Undaunted by the wet nature of the setting W/we decided to shoot regardless and ended up having a really good time. O/our friend Kam has had a concept for a photo for a while now that involved the moon mountains and this lakebed. Sadly nature didn't give us what W/we wanted but instead offered up something else cool.

Ms. E has been working with longer exposure shots in Her work. She's also been learning all kinds of new things about Her camera. The longer exposure times were indeed cool out in the dark dark desert; essentially shooting "night for day" the wind eventually stopped and the water on the lake became really smooth and crisp. W/we also experimented with some cool painting with light effects that you achieve with longer shutter times. The red-light effect in the picture above was done with a lightsaber prop being waved around behind me as I posed. Talk about aggravating; posing out in the middle of nowhere in darkness was a lot harder than I thought it'd be. I think it was the darkness more than anything, though the uneven ground with the rocks and muck made standing in heels a challenge. In the dark I can't see how my body is moving or behaving. Strange it felt sorta like having my entire body dipped in novocaine. There were over 300 shots taken in total and I'm sure I'll have at least a couple more photos to share eventually from this fun shoot!